We invite you to worship at St. Martin’s Church.
Our church is open for everyone, and it’s perfectly ok to come with lots of questions! We can’t guarantee an immediate answer to all of them, but we can promise you a warm welcome and an honest discussion!
For our worship times: see here.
For common questions – see below:
Where is the church located?
Parking is available on both the north and south sides of the church. Reserved handicapped spots are located near the walkway of the north side lot and the main entrance on the south side of the church.
Map to St. Martin’s Church, Pickering.
What should I wear?
What happens when I come in?
You may sit anywhere you like. Don’t worry about taking someone’s seat. If it’s empty, it’s your seat!
Do my children stay with me?
During the 10:30 AM service, there is nursery care for children aged two and under, and Sunday school for children aged two and older.
During the 10 AM service, there is Sunday school for children aged 2 and over. They will join you shortly before communion.
How long is the service?
You can participate as much or as little as you like. If you just want to sit quietly and watch, that’s fine. You won’t be singled out.
Do I need to bring anything?
May I receive Holy Communion?
What happens after the service?
What about the music at St. Martins?
What is this Anglican thing anyway?
If you want to dig a bit deeper, here’s a useful website on Anglican beliefs, history, and worship.