For all inquiries please contact the Team Lead through the church office at 905 839 4257 or
Bay Ridges Long-Term Care Centre (suspended due to COVID-19)
Volunteers from St. Martin’s assist with a worship service at Bay Ridges Long-Term Care Centre at 2 PM on the third Wednesday of every month.
Team Lead: Rev. Shelly
Bible Study
We have frequent online study groups throughout the year.
Team Lead: Rev. Shelly
Chancel Guild
Have them make me a sanctuary, so I may dwell among them. (Exo 25:8)
Chancel Guild members work in teams to prepare the sanctuary for worship.
Team Lead: Anne D
Worship the Lord with gladness; come into His presence with singing (Psalm 100:2)
The choir rehearses regularly. All are welcome to join the choir. Sheet music and YouTube links are provided to anyone unable to attend choir practice during the day. We encourage anyone loves to sing to join us. Previous musical experience is not essential.
Team Lead: Helen L
Coffee Convenors
A generous person will be enriched, and one who gives water will get water. (Proverbs 11:25)
Coffee convenors prepare and serve refreshments following Sunday’s 10 AM service on a rotating schedule.
Team Lead: Ross S
Communications Committee
How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good new. (Romans 10:15)
The Communications committee is working on several initiatives to facilitate the sharing of information within and beyond the parish.
Team Lead: Rob M
FaithWorks is the annual appeal of the Anglican Diocese of Toronto and funds a wide range of outreach ministries.
Team Lead: Peter D
Green Team
The Green Team seeks ways to reduce St. Martin’s carbon footprint.
Team Lead: Lee L
Helping Hands
On one or two Monday afternoons per month, volunteers cut and sew sleepwear for women and children in local shelters.
Team Lead: Denise F
Hospitality Team
The Hospitality team sets up, cleans up, and provides refreshments for receptions for visiting clergy, special guests, and for events, including funerals.
Team Lead: Adelaide P
Outreach Committee
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me. Matthew 25:35-36
The Outreach Committee meets regularly to distribute funds that are raised through contributions to the specially marked giving envelopes, the 15% of funds designated to FaithWorks and the Loon Bank. Outreach provides financial support to Local, Indigenous, National and International charities.
This Committee participates in hands-on initiatives in the community to help support various local charities.
Team Lead: Denise F
Pastoral Care
The Pastoral Care team visits those who are sick, lonely, or shut-in.
Team Lead: Rev. Shelly
Prayer Chain
Prayer Chain members are always ready to lift to God in prayer all requests for the sick and needy in our parish and beyond.
Team Lead:
Prayer Shawl Plus
Prayer Shawl Plus gathers on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month from 1:00 to 3:00 PM to knit or crochet shawls, lap blankets and baby blankets.
Team Lead: Gail H
Property Committee
The Property committee oversees the maintenance of St. Martin’s building and grounds.
Team Lead: Peter D
Members of the Readers Team read the appointed scriptures for the week during worship services. Volunteers are always welcome.
Team Lead: Elaine W
Social Committee
The Social Committee at St. Martin’s serves to enhance the atmosphere of fellowship and acceptance in the congregation. It helps to set the climate for a caring church by planning and organizing social events, which help members and visitors feel loved and accepted. It helps individuals get to know one another and enjoy being together.
Team Lead: Lee L
Social Justice Committee
The Social Justice committee helps combat the causes of poverty by adding St. Martin’s voice to larger advocacy efforts, speaking up for the marginalized and most vulnerable in our society.
Read More...The Social Justice committee has advocated in support of the following:
- Inclusionary Housing Bill
- Joanne’s House (the local youth shelter)
- Healthy Food Supplement
For more information about social justice and advocacy initiatives in the Anglican Diocese of Toronto, click here.
Team Lead : Rob M
Sunday School
The Sunday school is for children from JK to Grade 6 and is led by volunteers who teach on a rotating basis. Every Sunday during the 10 AM Service. All are welcome.
Team Lead: Janis L
Welcome Team (formerly Greeters & Sidespeople)
Caring volunteers who take up the offering and count the worshippers and communicants – generally seeing that everything runs smoothly, and meeting the accessibility needs of worshippers.
Team Lead: Elaine W